Councillors’ expenses are about to be published
Councillors’ expenses are about to be published so I thought I would give you a preview of what I have cost you since 6 May 2013, when elected and 31 March 2014, the end of the financial year.
Basic Allowance £11,031.33 (like a salary), Special Responsibility Allowance £428.08 (for the extra work in being vice chair of Cornwall’s Pensions Committee) Travel Allowances £1,523.10 (includes a little extra for taking other Councillors to and from meetings) I have not claimed anything for overnight accommodation, food or refreshments or to cover caring responsibilities (my husband covers without payment).
I worked before becoming a Councillor, largely on a self-employed basis. Within a few months of being elected I found I could not do that work and all the necessary preparation for meetings as well as give attention to the concerns of local people. I am therefore now totally reliant on the payments I receive to be a Councillor but do not claim any welfare benefits.
If anyone has any question then come along to one of my drop in sessions at Pendeen or St Just Farmers’ Markets or go along to St Just Library and book an appointment to see me.