Cornwall Council to introduce Annual Community Recognition Awards
Cornwall Council to introduce Annual Community Recognition Awards following an agreement at Full Council on 17 February 2015. The idea of the scheme is to recognise those in our communities who make an outstanding contribution to the lives of others and deserve local recognition. The scheme will be funded through the Chairman of the Council’s Civic budget.
The criteria and details of the scheme are to be agreed by a cross party group of Cornwall Councillors but I wanted people in St Just and Pendeen to start thinking of people they feel make an ‘outstanding contribution’ to our community. It is hoped that by identifying more of those people who make our diverse communities in Cornwall special that we will also find people who merit being put forward for National awards.
If you can think of someone that you feel might be deserving of an award then, in the first instance, just email me their name and a paragraph of why you think they should be recognised. I hope to hear about people of all ages and those contributing to a range of community projects. Once the details of the scheme are finalised I will then contact you to make the full case for them being put forward.
The winners of the award will get to attend a civic reception. I feel we have a very active community and am determined that local people should be amongst the first to be recognised.