Cornwall Council are consulting on their Budget

Posted on: 6th November 2020

You are invited to have your say about Cornwall Council’s spending priorities and budget for 2021/22.

Cornwall Council are currently consulting on the draft budget and spending priorities for 2021/22.

The financial impact of the pandemic on Cornwall and Cornwall Council has been huge, and fundamental changes to the way the Council works will be required, to continue to meet residents’ needs.

Sound financial management over previous years has left Cornwall Council in a much healthier position than many local authorities, but there is still a considerable funding gap as demand continues to outstrip the predicted growth in income. The Council still needs to save £58 million over the next four years to ensure our budget remains balanced.

The Council has already made nearly £380 million of savings over the past decade, and has done so while investing in resident’s priorities, such as roads, children’s services and housing for local people.

The draft budget prioritises critical frontline services and investment in Cornwall’s recovery from the Coronavirus pandemic. The Council will have to redesign services and the organisation to ensure maximum efficiency whilst protecting the most vulnerable, supporting local businesses and growing the local economy despite a time of unprecedented financial challenge.

You will know that the challenges and uncertainties around public spending continue and the Council wants to hear your views on how best to use limited resources to achieve the best outcomes for Cornwall.

More information about our proposals and the consultation can be found on