Consultation launched on proposed changes to Cornwall Homechoice Allocation Scheme
Consultation launched on proposed changes to Cornwall Homechoice. Homechoice is Cornwall Council’s choice based housing allocation system for council and housing association homes in Cornwall.
The consultation period is until the 13 June 2014 with a number of consultation events planned with stakeholders including tenants, Age UK, Disability Cornwall and CAB.
The consultation is asking for views on:
- who should be allowed to join the housing register, including how long people should have lived in Cornwall;
- the banding system to decide which applicants are in most need;
- how people in need of housing, who are on the register, apply for available homes;
- how we ensure those without computers or the Internet do not lose out and that the most vulnerable are supported in getting their housing needs met;
- whether unacceptable behaviour in the last two years should disqualify applicants from joining the housing register; and
- whether applicants who have savings over £50,000, or who own property that it is reasonable for them to live in, or who have higher levels of income should not be allowed to join the register.
Make sure you have your say!