Citizen Science Looks to the Dark Skies

Posted on: 7th February 2020

The map above shows the Core and Buffer Zones to the Dark Sky Reserve we are seeking to get Designated and protected

There are many benefits of the dark skies above our heads in West Cornwall, to human health, wildlife and astronomy to name just 3! It is easy just to take the Dark Sky for granted and this is too often the case until a visitor comes from a large town or city and then they are in awe of the stars that we, who live here can take for granted.

Of course, the stars are still up in the sky for city dwellers but light pollution means they are not visible so we, in rural areas, must learn to appreciate and protect what we’ve got. Think about your outside lighting because if you are lighting up the sky (polluting it) you are paying for the power to do it! Make sure lighting points down and is only on for the shortest time possible. Find out about energy saving and warmer lighter, particularly if being placed outdoors.

At the end of February, I’d like you to join me in the annual star count, as part of Citizen Science. You can register for it now to check out the details and the first thing you need to do is discover how to spot the constellation of Orion.

So, what are you waiting for? CPRE Star Count – link to find out more and register.

As we are building a Dossier to bid for the International Dark Sky Designation, it would be great if you let me know your findings, as well as reporting them in to CPRE. Let me know where within the Core or Buffer zone you live, perhaps a post code, and how many stars you counted.

You can send to me by email or post on Twitter of Facebook, tagging me to your post.