Chance to bid for £2m Heritage Lottery Funding
Today I have joined the shadow Board looking to Develop Penwith’s Landscape Project. The idea is to seek funding that helps us conserve, develop and enjoy our beautiful landscape. It is hoped that local businesses, residents and visitors will benefit, if the project can gain support.
Some exciting ideas but that is all they are at the moment. Ideas include to develop the Tinners Way, develop some kind of visitors centre but possibly a rural skills centre too. Funding might also become available to ensure our distinctive features, like finger posts, survive and help us identify important but redundant rural buildings. By finding redundant buildings a new role in our lives, money might be invested in their repair and conservation. The project could look at planting native trees and ensure our ancient sites are cared for and protected.
It would be a partnership project aiming to link historic, environmental, culture and art with farming and access to the countryside.
As I say, early days and local people will have to be at the heart, wanting to get involved and learn new skills. Without local people, there will be no project!