Cemetery in Pendeen and Recreation Ground in St Just Update
This is an update on the Cemetery in Pendeen and Recreation Ground in St Just since both meetings I reported on in a previous post.
Since the public meeting in September, a committee has formed to take the skatepark and wider Recreation Ground matters forward. The role of Chair has been taken by Sharon Brolly and she will be happy to hear from other volunteers, people willing to donate money or have a good fundraising idea that they are happy to organise. Sharon can be emailed on sharonbrolly1@gmail.com. The huge challenge is raising money for the skatepark, probably in the order of £75,000 is needed for that but the committee will keep the wider park in mind and seek to raise money for some improvements there too.
The committee for the Recreation Ground have become a project group working under the Lands End Peninsula Community Land Trust so they can make grant applications within their charitable status.
The Pendeen Community Cemetery Committee have also formed as a project group of the local Community Land Trust. Their Chair is Delia Webb who many people will know because of her active involvement in our local community. Again, for those wishing to donate money to get the cemetery project going or if you want to help in other ways, email deliawebb@btinternet.com.
The group have taken planning advice, which seems encouraging that change of use might be granted if an application was formally submitted. They are now moving to have the necessary environmental tests, to check the suitability of the land and these take 6 – 12 months to conclude.
Many of you will know that I Chair this charitable Trust so I can support them both as their local Councillor and in my role with the Trust.