Andrew George, MP & Baroness Kate Parminter visiting St Just & Pendeen

Posted on: 24th October 2014

Andrew George, MP & Baroness Kate Parminter visiting St Just & Pendeen on Sarturday 25 October.


6:30am: Andrew will introduce Kate Parminter to the team managing the volunteer led badger vaccination project he has set up with the Zoological Society of London and which is now being rolled out across the Penwith peninsula. Prof Rosie Woodroffe (Project Manager) and Seth Jackson (local coordinator) will demonstrate the project. By chance, one of the sites is on land owned by Councillor Sue James so she will join then them at the end of their vaccination session.

10am: Cornwall Councillor, Sue James will welcome Andrew and Kate Parminter to St Just Library to meet the Friends of St Just Library to explore the options to improve the sustainability of the Library in the face of financial pressures on budgets at Cornwall Council.

10.30am-12.00 noon: Councillor Sue James will take Kate Parminter and Andrew George on a tour to meet local residents and to survey local opinion on national and local issues.

12.30pm-1pm: Visit to an Affordable Housing project being delivered by a charitable company, Lands End Peninsula Community Land Trust, chaired by Sue James. This will include a site naming event at 12.45pm on site at Moorland Close, Pendeen. (See separate news item).

6:45pm: Baroness Parminter is Guest Speaker at a Constituency Dinner to be held at the Kota Kai restaurant in Porthleven.