101 non-emergency Police number service

Posted on: 4th September 2014

101 non-emergency Police number service has mixed reviews. The feedback of those who get through to the service is quite good BUT, talking out and about, there are stories that give concern.

At the Police and Crime Panel, I have raised the fact that the feedback they are getting is from people who get through and that somehow they need to get the views of people who do not get through.

Credit to the Devon and Cornwall Police and Crime Commissioner because his office has launched a survey that any members of the public can contribute to. So, if you have had a good experience, a bad experience or just not got through, make sure you give your views.

https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/HCK2968 survey runs until 22 September 2014 so be very very quick! (Note: I got it extended as it was due to end Monday).